Demodicosis Treatment
Demodicosis is a common skin disease caused by opportunistic demodex mites (demodex folliculorum and demodex brevis). Symptoms of demodicosis are:
•skin redness
•hair loss.
It has rosacea-like appearance and causes papules, pustules, erythema, swelling and scaling. Mostly occurs on the face, eyelids, around the mouth. Demodicosis can be transmitted through contacts of face, hair, eyebrows and, of course through bedclothes and pillows. Many people may have demodex , but do not have any symptoms. Under certain circumstances, those mites become aggresive and develope the disease. Predisposing factors are:
•Digestive system disorders
•Excessive alcohol consumption
•Low quality cosmetics
Demodicosis is curable. If you notice at least one of these symptoms, visit your dermatologist to get a proper treatment.